
Fill the PYP attitudes and learner profile worksheet pasted in your UOI booklet.

Solve the following problems on Average in your square C.

Solve the following problems in your square C and submit by Wednesday, 13th May.

 Solve the following worksheet in the square C and submit by Monday(11.5.15)


Based on the survey done by group make the frequency table


Do the comprehension and submit by 6.5.12


 1. Complete your Mathletics assignments.
2.  Solve the following worksheet in the square C

 Do the following questions in the square C and submit by Thursday(30.4.15)
1. Complete the Math worksheets on graphs.
2. Prepare for the Principal's test

 1. Write the weekly reflection on edmodo.
2. Conduct your survey
3. Work on the third line of inquiry for the PYP exhibition
4. Prepare for the Math quiz

 Do the following worksheet in your square C

1. Spelling contract due tomorrow
2. Do the Math worksheet in square C

1. Math quiz on the geometrical terms on 27th April
2. Do the following worksheet in the square C 

1. Write the weekly reflection on Edmodo.
2. Publish your explanation essay as a word document and submit it on Monday.
3. Practice geometrical construction of the following in your square C (There are only two triangles)

1. Draw the following in your square C.

1. Do the first 10 words of the spelling contract.
2. Answer the following reading comprehension in your English log books.

1. Reading Log due tomorrow
2. Do the following worksheet in your square C.

The activity on interior and exterior angles is challenging on Mathletics. The following information will be useful for you to solve the questions.

1. Prepare for your summative task presentation. Remember to include details of he genes inherited by you from the family members.(This will be done tomorrow).
2. Bring your laptops for publishing your explanation essay.
3. Do the worksheet given below in your square C.



1. Do the weekly reflection on edmodo
2. Complete your family tree
3. Improvise on your blog home page.
4. Complete the Math worksheet given in class today

9.4. 15
1. Write a reflection of the immersion trip in the English log book.
2. Answer the worksheet given below in the English log book


1.Do the Math worksheet in the square C 

1. Reading log due tomorrow
2. Math worksheet to be done in square C. Remember to copy the drawing and label the questions correctly. There will be a reward point for neatness.


1.Bring information and the material for the family tree
2. Do the Math worksheet

1.Prepare for the spelling quiz
2. Chose a topic for the Explanation text and gather information for it
3. Read chapter 4 of the i science book


1. Math worksheet on angles in four sided figures
2. Reading log
3. Remember to wear the blue uniform for the trip tomorrow.
4. English idioms homework given yesterday is due tomorrow.


1. Do the English worksheet in your log book and submit by 18th March.
Use the following websites to locate the idiomatic meaning for each idiom listed below.  Then use each idiom in an original sentence with context clues.
The Idiom Connection http://www.idiomconnection.com/
GoEnglish.com: Idioms http://www.goenglish.com/Idioms.asp
English Idioms and Idiomatic Expressions http://www.usingenglish.com/reference/idioms/
1)Idiom: “on (someone or something’s) last leg”
   Idiomatic Meaning: ____________________________________________________________________________
  Original Sentence:  ____________________________________________________________________________
2)   Idiom:  “ride or hang on (someone’s) coattails”
   Idiomatic Meaning: ____________________________________________________________________________
  Original Sentence:  ____________________________________________________________________________
3)  Idiom:  “have a bone to pick (with someone)”
   Idiomatic Meaning: ____________________________________________________________________________
  Original Sentence:  ____________________________________________________________________________
4)  Idiom:  “I’m all ears.”
   Idiomatic Meaning: ____________________________________________________________________________
  Original Sentence:  ____________________________________________________________________________

 2. Solve the Math worksheet in the Square C. Remember to copy the question and the diagram neatly


1. Reflection of the PYP Exhibition lessons in the PYP log book.
2. Research on any cell (Its organelles and main function)
3. Submit the family tree worksheet

1. Math worksheet given for H.W
2. Spelling contract first 10 words
3. Submit the English Worksheet

1. Complete the math worksheet on Triangles done in class yesterday.
2. Read chapter 3 of the i science book (pages 37-48)
3. Do the following worksheet and submit by Friday, 13th March.



The school internet is a problem still so I am uploading the homework from home for today
1. Complete the Math worksheet.
2. Spelling Quiz tomorrow

1. Reflection of the unit Where we are in place and time on Edmodo.
2. Math worksheet


1. Go to the link given below and find the time difference between GMTand
a) Jakarta
b) New York city
c) The cities you visited during your exploration


2. Do the following worksheet in your square c neatly.


1. Final presentation of the summative task tomorrow.
2. Solve the worksheet given in class

 1. Do the weekly reflection on edmodo
2. Solve the worksheet given below in your Math Sqaure C

1. Wear decent pajamas for the movie session on Friday.
2. Spelling quiz on Friday
3. Math worksheet to be done in the square c.


1. Spelling contract for all the words to be submitted tomorrow.
2. Reading log 
3. Math worksheet

1. Write a reflection of your trip to the National museum in the UOI logbook.
2. Complete the Math worksheet given in class today.

1. Weekly reflection on edmodo
2. Reading Comprehension on Robinson Crusoe given in class today.
3. Costume Day on Monday
The costumes would be judged according to the following criteria:
1. Relevance
The costume wholly represents the literary character.
Recycled materials/props have been innovatively used/ created.
The costume and props are unique and imaginative.
The student is able to represent the character and convince the Judge.

Practice the paper done in class today for Math
Review the notes for persuasive and narrative writing given under the resources of the class blog.



1. Monday 9th Feb dismissal will be at 11.20am
2. Photo competition entries to be submitted by 9th Feb
3. Weekly reflection on edmodo
4. ISA practice paper

1. The deadline for the photo competition entries has been extended to Monday,9th Feb.
2. Math worksheet to be solved in the square c.
3. English exercise to be done in the log book.

4.2.15 ( All submission due tomorrow)
1.Spelling contract .
2. Complete your personal narrative.
3. Photo competition entries.
4. Math worksheet

1. Reading log and comprehension due tomorrow.
2. Review and edit your personal narrative

1. Reading Comprehension to be submitted by Wednesday,4th Feb.
2. Math homework to be submitted tomorrow
3. ISA sample papers can be accessed from the links given below.

Reading Comprehension
1. Photo Competition submission by 5th Feb.
2. Weekly reflection on edmodo
3. Solve the following paper for ISA practice

1. Spelling contract first 10 words due tomorrow
2. English worksheet on personal narrative
3. Do the following Math problems in your square c notebooks

 Practice Mathletics and read 30 pages every day.
 Do the following reading comprehension

Reward point worksheet

1. Reading log due tomorrow
Do the following in the Math square c notebook

Draw a rectangle with 
1.  perimeter of 12cm
2. perimeter of 20 cm
3. perimeter of 16cm
4. perimeter of 10cm

Attached is the ISA practice paper for English writing

Weekend Homework
1. Write the weekly reflection on edmodo
2. Practice the following sample paper to prepare for the upcoming ISA test



Few reminders:
1. Show and Tell of their trip overseas tomorrow.
2. Spelling quiz tomorrow
3. UOI reading 
4. Math homework worksheet on perimeter to be submitted tomorrow

Grade 3 bazaar tomorrow. They will be selling food, drinks and stationary

1. Complete the spelling contract activities
 2.Math worksheet

1. Reading log due tomorrow
2. Show and tell of your trip overseas on Friday,23rd Jan.
3. Do the following Math problems in your square C.
1. Find the names of two land, sea and space explorers and write a sentence on their exploration.
2. Do the Math worksheet given in class and submit tomorrow.
3. Bring laptops to class for UOI research.

1. Write the weekly reflection on edmodo
2. Do the exercise on adjectives in your English logbook..
3. Solve the ICAS paper as practice for the ISA  exam to be held in February. Write the answers in your   Square C notebooks.
All work to be submitted by 19.1.15

Solve the ICAS paper as practice for the ISA  exam to be held in February. Write the answers in your Square c notebooks.
1. Submit one task of the spelling contract tomorrow.
2. Spelling bee selection test tomorrow in class for the inter school competition to be held next month.
3. Remember to bring Great Expectations  to school tomorrow.
4. Practice on mathletics and submit the following worksheet tomorrow.

Math CW for Tubagus as he was absent today.


Write detailed answers to the following questions in your UOI logbook.

1. What is exploration?

2. What are the reasons and consequences of explorations?

 Reading  log due every Wednesday
 Worksheet on converting a larger unit of measurement to a smaller unit to be submitted tomorrow

Do the exercise on adjectives in your English logbook and submit tomorrow

Comprehension of Informational Text